
The Network of Italian UNESCO Chairs 

The ReCUI participated with one of its delegations in the Special Intergovernmental Committee for the revision of the 1974th Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms of UNESCO. 

UNESCO report 'Re-imagining our futures together. A new social contract for education'. 

The UCSC UNESCO Chair presents, with La Scuola SEI, the Italian translation of the UNESCO report. The Vice-President of the House of Representatives, Hon. Anna Ascani, hosted the event with ministerial representatives, the Italian National Commission for UNESCO and other experts.

presentation event

The Unesco Chair, in collaboration with the School of Advanced Education " Educate to Encounter and Solidarity" (LUMSA University) and with the SCHOLAS Chairs, supports the Maison de Paix project for the construction and start-up of a Centre for Training and Human Promotion in Kikwit in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The project is promoted by the S.F.E.R.A. Onlus Association of Brescia. 
