Seminars and conferences

On the occasion of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of Unicef Italy, the UNESCO Chair at the Università Cattolica is promoting, in collaboration with Unicef Italy and the Paul VI Institute, the seminar ‘A 50 years since the foundation of Unicef Italy: the contribution of Lodovico Montini’.

The event

On Thursday 10 and Friday 11 October 2024, the Aula Magna of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia campus, via Trieste 17, hosted the International Study Conference entitled ‘Rethinking International Cooperation’, promoted by the Observatory for International Education and Cooperation of the Università Cattolica, in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair ‘Education for Human Development and Solidarity Among Peoples’, the University Centre for International Solidarity (CeSI) and the Faculties of Education Sciences and Political and Social Sciences.

The event                                       The programme
















In September 2024, the UNESCO Chair took part in the Didactics Days, with the speech by Dr. Rita Locatelli on the topic of ‘the educational pact in an international perspective’, focusing on the importance of the international dimension in planning related to community educational pacts. The need to transform education for the future through a new social pact for education - a debate that engages numerous institutions and organisations at national and international level, first and foremost UNESCO - calls upon all the actors of society in a relationship of educational co-responsibility. The creation of an international network of collaboration between education actors enables the sharing of knowledge, methods and educational practices, generating a positive impact on the commitment of local communities in the care of education itself, understood as a common good.


In July 2024, the UNESCO Chair participated in the 18th World Congress of Comparative Education Societies

The UNESCO Chair, in particular, participated in the UNESCO-led sessions entitled ‘Fostering Inclusive Ecologies of Knowledge: Education for Equitable and Sustainable Futures’.

The session programme

On 20 March 2024, the study seminar ‘The Role of Research for/on Education Policies’ was held at the Milan campus of the Università Cattolica, with a lecture by Sue Winton, York University, Canada, Chair in Policy Analysis for Democracy.

The seminar

The UNESCO Chair of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in collaboration with Gruppo Editoriale La Scuola, is organising an event to present the Italian translation of the UNESCO report "Re-imagining our futures together: a new social contract for education".

The event will be hosted by the Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Anna Ascani, and will be attended by institutional representatives of the Ministry of Education and Merit, the Italian National Commission for UNESCO and other experts.

Participating on behalf of UNESCO in Paris will be Dr. Sobhi Tawil, Director of the "Futures of Learning and Innovation" Division, who coordinated the work of the International Commission on the Future of Education, editor of the Report.

For more information visit the event page.

The International Education Festival dedicated to Educational Communities originates from the awareness of the profound impact that the pandemic has had on our cities. These, traditionally industrious and supportive, have suddenly found themselves facing limits, unpredictability and precariousness, which have also involved social and intergenerational ties, but they have recognised in the difficulty an opportunity of transformation.

The event proposes an education focused on the regeneration of the connective tissue of the community, emphasising the importance of education in and for the community itself. This five-day festival with international guests aims both to promote an open dialogue on education in order to stimulate reflection and, above all, to inspire concrete actions, highlighting that the transformative power of education can be found in the execution of millions of individual and collective acts, such as courage, leadership, resilience, creativity and caring. This all enables us to transform the path and build a fair, equitable and sustainable future, as outlined in the UNESCO International Commission Report.

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The UNESCO Chair of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in collaboration with Gruppo Editoriale La Scuola, is organising an event to present the Italian translation of the UNESCO report ‘Re-imagining our futures together: a new social contract for education’.

The event will be hosted by the Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Anna Ascani, and will be attended by institutional representatives of the Ministry of Education and Merit, the Italian National Commission for UNESCO and other experts.

Participating on behalf of UNESCO in Paris will be Dr. Sobhi Tawil, Director of the ‘Futures of Learning and Innovation’ Division, who coordinated the work of the International Commission on the Future of Education, editor of the Report.

For more information visit the event page.

The International Education Festival dedicated to Educational Communities stems from the awareness of the profound impact that the pandemic has had on our cities. These, traditionally industrious and supportive, have suddenly found themselves facing limits, unpredictability and precariousness, which have also involved social and intergenerational ties, but have recognised in the difficulty an opportunity for transformation.

The event proposes an education focused on the regeneration of the connective tissue of the community, emphasising the importance of education in and for the community itself. The 5-day festival with international guests aims not only to promote an open dialogue on education and stimulate reflection, but above all to inspire concrete actions, emphasising that the transformative power of education lies in the execution of millions of individual and collective acts, such as courage, leadership, resilience, creativity and caring. All of these enable us to change course and build just, equitable and sustainable futures, as outlined in the UNESCO International Commission Report.

Discover the Festival Discover the event

On Friday 24 March the first Assembly of the Network of Italian UNESCO Chairs will be held in Florence entitled "Reimagining the Future Together. The Challenge of Education and Higher Education." The meeting will start at 9.00 a.m. at the Aula Magna in Piazza San Marco, 4.

The UNESCO Chair "Education for Human Development and Solidarity among Peoples", coordinated by Prof. Domenico Simeone, will be present at the Conference with a speech on the topic "A new social contract for education. What are the possible translations?" within the framework of the interventions of the delegates of the Italian UNESCO Chairs.

Read the programme of the ReCUI Assembly

Read the programme of the speeches

The UNESCO Chair of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore will take part in the opening event of the new cycle of webinars promoted by the Network of Italian UNESCO Chairs (ReCUI) with a paper by Rita Locatelli entitled "A new social contract for Education: from the "Learning to be" to the "Futures of Education" report"

Read the programme

3-4 November 2022 - The UNESCO Chair of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore participated at the international conference - Transforming Knowledge for Just and Sustainable Futures" to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs programme, Paris.

Read the programme

In the occasion of the publication of the new UNESCO report Reimaging our futures together: a new social contract for education, the Observatory for Education and International Cooperation in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair at the Università Cattolica have promoted an international seminar to reflect on the future of the right to education in the light of the rapid changes and challenges emerging in the national and international educational landscape.


The seminar, entitled "Education as a Fundamental Human Right. New challenges and future perspectives’ was held on Wednesday 11 May 2022 at 10:00 a.m. at the Sala Negri da Oleggio, Largo A. Gemelli 1, Milan.


The main guest speaker at this event was Rolla MOUMNE, Head of the UNESCO Right to Education Programme. In spite of significant progress in the protection of this fundamental human right, there are still many stumbling blocks to its full realisation, which have been further aggravated by the pandemic of the past two years. The seminar was an opportunity to rethink the right to education from a perspective that may include other closely interconnected dimensions such as the right to information, to have access to computer tools or an Internet connection. The conference offered many insights to re-affirm the importance of education as a fundamental component of human and social development, in Italy and in the world.