
The UNESCO Chair ‘Education for Human Development and Solidarity among Peoples’ participated in the first International Forum on the Future of Education organised by UNESCO Future of Learning and Innovation and the Korean National Commission for UNESCO. The event took place in Suwon, Republic of Korea, from 2 to 4 December.
It was a particularly significant time to discuss the future of education, explore innovative approaches to learning and address critical global challenges in education. During the Forum, participants also had the opportunity to visit a number of Korean schools, offering concrete insights into educational practices. 

During the event, Dr Rita Locatelli presented her paper as part of the launch of the special issue of Prospects magazine, dedicated to the theme ‘Renewing the Social Contract for Education’.



"It is by actively engaging in dialogue and practice to build a new social contract for education that we can renew education to make possible futures just, equitable and sustainable."

Reimagining Our Futures Together: A new social contract for education, p. 146

Reimagining Our Futures Together: A new social contract for education

UNESCO International Forum on the Futures of Education

The UNESCO Chair of the Università Cattolica participated in the International Forum of UNESCO Chairs and Partners on the theme ‘Transforming knowledge for Africa's future’, promoted by the African Union Commission and UNESCO. 

The focus of the Forum was the identification of measures to strengthen the capacity for interdisciplinary research and the creation of synergies and collaborations in Africa, including through more inclusive and effective South-South and South-North research partnerships. The transformation of knowledge building and sharing systems is indeed crucial for Africa to overcome existing barriers and unlock its full potential for sustainable development.


"We aspire for Africa to become a prosperous continent by 2063, with the means and resources to drive its own development and where well-educated and skilled citizens, supported by science, technology and innovation for a knowledge society are the norm"

African Union Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want

Transforming knowledge for Africa’s future


Il prof. Domenico Simeone, Chairholder della Cattedra UNESCO dell'Università Cattolica, e la dott.ssa Rita Locatelli all'International Forum of UNESCO Chairs and Partners



The Ministry of Universities and Research conferred the Seal of Merit on all the UNESCO Chairs established at Italian universities and members of the Network of Italian UNESCO Chairs (RECUI), including the UNESCO Chair ‘Education for Human Development and Solidarity Among Peoples’ at the Università Cattolica, as a distinctive sign of their commitment to setting up programmes aimed at responding promptly and with greater autonomy to the renewed demands for new learning and research in a world undergoing rapid economic, social and technological change.

By awarding the Seal of Merit, the Ministry recognised the role played by UNESCO Chairs in achieving the 2030 Agenda Goals and promoting intercultural dialogue and social inclusion within the national and international higher education system. 


On the occasion of the awarding of the Seal of Merit, the two UNESCO Chairs active in the Brescia area - the UNESCO Chair at the Università Cattolica and the UNESCO Chair ‘Training and empowering human resources for health development in resource-limited Countries’ at the Università Statale di Brescia - issued a joint press release.

Read the communiqué

The UNESCO Chair ‘Education for Human Development and Solidarity among Peoples’ pays tribute to the memory of Jacques Delors (20 July 1925 - 27 December 2023), President of the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century, whose report ‘Learning: The treasure within’ published by UNESCO in 1996 changed the way we see education and learning. While Delors will be remembered as one of the crucial builders of a united Europe, his contribution to the development of a humanistic and modern vision of education, which still inspires education policies around the world today, was fundamental. 

Read the full text