Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Ricerche concluse

Progetto Rete Informagiovani. Relazioni, sinergie e opportunità per i giovani del territorio. Il report finale è disponibile per il download a questo link: https://www.giovani.regione.lombardia.it/it/strumenti/informagiovani

Swirl - Slash Workers and Industrial ReLations https://www.swirlproject.eu/

Funded by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion - EMPL.A – Employment and Social Governance  “Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations ”

In recent years, the number of people having a second job has increased, a phenomenon that has markedly transformed their professional profiles and has fragmented their career paths, leading to the growth of so-called ‘slash workers’. These workers display a slash (/) in their job title since they are engaged in multiple paid activities that require different skills and are likely to be developed in various sectors. The advent of digital platforms has accelerated this trend, as well as making it more evident. Who are the slash workers in Europe? What are their needs in terms of labor and social protections? Who represent them collectively? The Swirl project answered these questions by various means: the analysis of Eurostat statistical data; the mapping of digital labor platforms; the secondary analysis of the regulatory systems in the countries under investigation; the interviews and local workshops with experts; the interviews with 100 slash workers; the analysis of 15 case studies of initiatives for the protection and representation of slash workers. What emerged is a picture of the needs of these workers, an analysis of the current responses implemented, and ad hoc policy recommendations.

WePlat - Welfare systems in the age of platforms https://www.weplat.it/

Progetto finanziato da Fondazione Cariplo

L’emergere di nuovi bisogni sociali e l’aumento delle diseguaglianze hanno fatto emergere la necessità di politiche innovative per la protezione sociale e il benessere collettivo. La diffusione di piattaforme digitali può accelerare tali processi, con cambiamenti a livello di organizzazione e governance dei servizi di welfare territoriale e aziendale.

L’indagine si propone di ricostruire gli elementi distintivi delle piattaforme di welfare. Questo framework analitico verrà applicato alla mappatura e analisi delle piattaforme già attive a livello locale e nazionale, da cui ricavare indicazioni utili per favorire la transizione verso nuovi modelli organizzativi.

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