Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

The project

Established officially on 6th April 2018, the UNESCO Chair on Education for Human Development and Solidarity Among Peoples is located at the Brescia Campus of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Over the last two centuries, the social context of Brescia has been characterized by a strong commitment toward education and solidarity. On the basis of the numerous initiatives undertaken by private citizens who are closed to educational issues and solidarity, several experiences of national interest have been developed which made Brescia becoming a key reference point on these themes. Social, political and religious factors produced a strong impulse to specific educational activities that have animated the area of Brescia, capitalizing past initiatives and facing efficaciously contemporary needs. Over centuries, religious leaders, ministers, citizens and philanthropists have given birth to significant experiences that have marked the story of Brescia and created important preconditions for the development of a particular “pedagogic sensibility” and inclusive actions.

Rooted in this fertile context, the Chair aims to contribute to the realization of the following goals:

  • promote the access of young children to high level health and education, with a particular focus on children in poverty and social exclusion contitions;
  • improve the quality of education, supporting in particular the development of an  equitable and inclusive society;
  • guarantee personalized learning opportunities;
  • increase the number of qualified teachers, welcoming their personal, psychosocial and professional needs;
  • promote the development of “south-south” cooperation processes;
  • guarantee and promote justice and gender equality.

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