- Ateneo
- Jean Monnet Module
Jean Monnet Module
Intercultural Dialogue in Europe and Active poLicies - IDEAL
Intercultural Dialogue in Europe and Active poLicies - IDEAL
The Jean Monnet Module IDEAL– Intercultural Dialogue in Europe and Active poLicies – will be implemented in the framework of a project co-finaced by the European Union within the Jean Monnet Program.
The IDEAL Jean Monnet Module aims at arousing fresh reflections among the whole academic and scientific community, by linking European citizenship and the inclusive actions for cultural minorities. The deep comprehension of migration flows, the legal frame for refugees in Europe, and the sustainable methods for improving tolerance and contrasting xenophobia, will stimulate students to become active members of social promotion for Intercultural and Inter-religious dialogue.
The module is promoted by the Faculty of Education and under the scientific coordination of Prof. Maddalena Colombo.
Participants will be involved in a 2 weeks and 45 contact hours (5 ECTS) course in English where every year, for three editions (A.Y. 2016-17; A.Y. 2017-18; A.Y. 2018-19) interdisciplinary lectures will be given by domestic and guest speakers with different backgrounds in Social Sciences and Humanities (Sociology, History, Pedagogy, Law, Psychology) - Programme
The Module is designed for graduate students from Milan, Brescia and Piacenza campuses, from the Faculty of Education (Master, Master of Science, PhD), for international students, for graduate students from other faculties and Universities, and finally for anyone interested in the topic - Participants
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SCHEDULE 2019 (206,09 KB)
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