- Ateneo
- HALM - Healthy Ageing and the Labour Market
- Team
- Alessandro Rosina
Alessandro Rosina

ALESSANDRO ROSINA is Professor of Demography and Social statistics and Director of the Research Center “Laboratorio di statistica applicata alle decisioni economico-aziendali” at the Università Cattolica in Milan. He has been member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Statistical Society (2011-2014) and member of the Scientific Council of the Coordinating Group for Demography - Italian Statistical Society (2005-07). He is a member of the Scientific Board of the “Rivista di Studi Familiari”. During the period 2005-09 he acted as Executive Editor of the Journal “Popolazione e storia” (Population and History). He is in the scientific and executive board of the on-line journal Neodemos.it. He has published books on ageing and intergenerational relations, welfare and demographic behavior, populations growth and resources, as well articles in international journals on family formation and fertility, reconciliation between female occupation and family responsibilities, life-course transitions and vulnerability.
Web page: www.alessandrorosina.it