Working papers
- Financing elderly care in Italy and Europe. Is there a common vision? - HALM WP 2/2017
Elenka Brenna, Lara Gitto
- Characterizing Income Shocks over the Life-cycle - HALM WP 1/2017
Koray Aktas, Lorenzo Cappellari
- Job insecurity, Employability and Psychological distress in Europe - HALM WP 3/2016
Daria Vigani
- Does the health effect of bad lifestyles and risky working conditions vary by age? Differences between older and younger employees in Denmark - HALM WP 2/2016
Elena Cottini, Paolo Ghinetti
- Is there a Retirement-Health Care utilization puzzle? Evidence from SHARE data in Europe - HALM WP 1/2016
Eve Caroli, Claudio Lucifora, Daria Vigani
- Home Sweet Home? Public Financing and Inequalities in the use of Home Care Services in Europe - HALM WP#3-2015
Vincenzo Carrieri, Cinzia Di Novi e Cristina Elisa Orso
- Is caring for elderly parents detrimental to women’s mental health? The influence of the European North-South gradient
Elenka Brenna e Cinzia Novi
- Do Market Incentives for Hospitals Affect Health and Service Utilization? Evidence from PPS-DRG Tariffs in Italian Regions
Lorenzo Cappellari, Anna De Paoli e Gilberto Turati