- Ateneo
- HALM - Healthy Ageing and the Labour Market
- Team
- Elenka Brenna
Elenka Brenna

ELENKA BRENNA holds a degree in Economics from the Catholic University in Milan, an M.Sc. in Health Economics from the University of York (UK) and a PHD in Economics from the University of Trento. Her prevalent interests are related to the Economics of Health and Health care, specifically health care financing, health care systems, health care policies and evaluation of welfare systems. She authored a number of publications both in Italian and international journals. She has been joining different projects, as researcher and as coordinator, for both public (Ministry of Health, regional Authorities, European Union) and private organizations. She is a lecturer of Health Economics and Microeconomics at Catholic University in Milan. She is member of IHEA (International Health Economics Association) and HESG (Health Economics Study Group) and she is member of the executive committee of AIES (Italian Association of Health Economics).