Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Summer School - Skill enhancement through music

 3 settembre 2023

Lovran (Croazia)

03-09 Settembre 2023

Concepts, methods, and techniques to empower motor, cognitive, emotional, and communicative abilities with musical activities in children and adults

The programme is organised by the Catholic University of Croatia, Department of Psychology, and conducted in collaboration with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Faculty of Psychology, Milan, Italy.

As you already know, music therapy is a clinically and scientifically proven application of musical interventions with the aim of achieving individualised and clearly defined goals in therapeutic, psychological, and educational relationships with the help of a specialised therapist. It represents the use of music and/or its elements (sound, rhythm, melody, harmony), individually or in a group process, so as to provide and enhance communication and learning, stimulate personal and sociale expression, match physical, emotional, and cognitive needs and achieve other important clinical goals. There are a number of different evidence-based models and methods in music therapy, adapted to people with various difficulties.

The goal of this summer school is to provide participants a set of concepts, practical tools, and techniques involving music, which are applicable across the life span (targeting children, adolescents, adults, elderly people). During the summer school the participants will be familiar with the practical application of music-based activities used for educational/edutainment, empowerment, prevention, and rehabilitation purposes in order to support the development of basic skills involved in everyday life, instruction, and professional practice. Therefore the main part of the programme will be addressed to let participants, thanks to practical examples and simulations, learn some operational skills useful to the application of the described rehabilitation procedures for different clients.